Watercolour for beginners

Categoría: Cursos - Clases
Subcategoría: Otros cursos
Llame para el precio
This workshop is intended for all those who want to learn the technique of watercolour even if they do not have prior knowledge and all those who wish to strengthen their skills through a program of exercises where we will combine the teaching of various techniques and methodologies to express themselves through this medium
We  propose a first part of simple exercises for which the student will become familiar with materials and tools, refined little by little his technique. We will include in our program classes of colour theory and composition based on our knowledge of the history of art. We will work with both the figuration as with the abstraction and creativity.
We will have models as natural elements such as flowers and plants, as well as pictures, in order to achieve in the future work with more complex models such as the portrait, the human figure or the scenery, the atmosphere and the textures
To contact us you can visit our web page: www.elvisortaller.com, or communicate to 93-2074796
You can see the work of the students at: Blog :http://www.elvisortaller.com/elvisor/blog/taller-de-iniciacion-a-la-acuarela
And the Facebook link: http://www.facebook.com/elvisortaller


OTRAS OFERTAS PARA Watercolour for beginners (10)

Cursos - Clases
Otros cursos
This workshop is intended for all those who want to learn the technique of... watercolour even if they do not have prior knowledge and all those who wish to strengthen...  propose a first part of simple exercises for which the student will become familiar..